We always guarantee our service and spare parts. If there is any doubt about it, the customer will get the benefit of the doubt. There is an old saying in the trade — win the argument and lose the customer.
Strictly speaking we do not have to give refunds unless the goods are defective or not fit for the purpose, and generally we adhere to this rule. However if you have bought something in error, like the wrong size set of Piston Rings, we are happy to replace them with the correct size.
Returns or advice of a problem must be received within 30 days of purchase. All returns must be accompanied by the Invoice and a reason for the return. Maximum warranty on spare parts is 6 months from date of purchase. Generally no returns on bearings or electrical goods unless at the discretion of the management. No warranty is applicable on spare parts that have been incorrectly or incompetently fitted or abused. It is up to the purchaser to make sure he/she has received the correct spare parts or goods for their application.
Manufacturers warranty is generally available on things like Boyer ignitions, Regulators, Stators etc.
Manufacturers warranty and their terms applies to newly purchased Royal Enfield and Ural Motorcycles.